

Good Morning Apex Family! Hope this finds you enjoying your weekend!

Thus far, we have 28 people confirmed to go camping with us - there is still space for others to join if you still would like to attend for one night, both nights, or just for the day...

The details are:
Mt. Charleston, Hilltop campground. Sites are #9 and 10 - right next to one another.

Dates are June 12-14
Price per family for the camping will be about $16 (subject to change depending on # of families). The $16 is for both nights so if you are only attending one night it is $8.
If this is an issue or prevents you from attending, please let me know! We will make arrangements.

It has also been decided that the June Apex Gathering will take place on the Mountain during this time. The plans will be for the Gathering to be on SATURDAY June 12 at the above-listed campsite. Gathering time will be around 2pmish. We will plan to have a time of communion and prayer together.

If you want to join the days festivities with the campers, we will likely be hiking in AM prior to lunch - around 9 or 10 am; and then having lunch around 12 or 1pm.

If you plan to join for lunch, please let me know and so I can include you in the meal planning - or just bring a picnic lunch for your family.

PLEASE RSVP to Nancy - (nancy726@hotmail.com) if you want to attend with the # of people who will be going with you.
I will send a separate email to those I have confirmed for camping with meal planning info once I have the list complete - later this week for sure.

Looking forward to a fun weekend!
Nan Caldwell

In Case You Missed It

Gathering 5/17/09 – Prayer Guide

Begin by asking God to clear your mind and inviting Him to commune with you…

Take some time for confession and the asking of forgiveness…

Spend a few minutes in praise, adoration and thanksgiving…

-Lift up His names, His gifts, His attributes and His promises

Allow yourself to look around and find Him in the beauty of the creation that He molded for you…

Enter a time of intercession and request regarding…

-His work in the world and Kingdom at large

-The hurting, grieving, ill, lost and broken in your sphere

of influence

-Your “enemies” – those who have harmed you, have

betrayed you and taken you for granted – ask for the

love and humility to lift them up and forgive them

-His movement and mission in our city and through the

Church of Las Vegas

-The health, purpose and growth of our Apex community

-The leading and deepening of your House Church

-God’s protection and presence in your own family and


-His daily bread for you today as you seek to be the

hands, feet and voice of Christ

-The cry and desires of you heart

Be still and take a few moments to listen for and to Him…

Go and take communion – depart in Spirit and in power, knowing that you have a community to journey with, that you are loved by the Father, and that Christ has been raised in you…

Past Gathering

Sunday 5/17 (Lone Mountain Park)

We spent time sharing lunch together, hanging out and some devotional time in guided prayer.

Here are some pics:

May Gathering - The Scoop

Hello Apex Family,

Just a note to let you know that we are planning to meet together for our monthly Gathering this coming Sunday 5/17 at 12:00pm at Lone Mountain Park. We will share lunch together as well as some brief devotional time in the Word and some guided prayer. Please bring a side to share and drinks for your family. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. waiting for you if Tommy does his job correctly:)

Looking forward to a casual but meaningful time with you all.

See you Sunday!

May Gathering

Hello all,

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that our May monthly Gathering will be moved from 5/10 to Sunday 5/17 due to Mother's Day on the 10th. There will be more to come in the next week or so on the details of our next time together.

In the meantime, enjoy time loving on the Moms connected to our community and honoring or remembering what God has taught us through them!


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