
August Gathering 8/21

Hello Apex Family,

This is a quick note to get the plan out there for this month's get-together. While we would typically meet this coming Sunday, please note a change this month. We will not gather at Christ Lutheran this week, but are instead going to meet up next week, Sunday 8/21 at 5:00pm at the Peterson's home (8339 Mountain Destiny Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89131) for a potluck and special presentation by some of our kids. Again this year, Celia Citizen has been leading and teaching them and they have prepared and practiced a 'God's Kid's' musical to share with the rest of us. Please come out and connect with God and each other as the kids lead us to the simplest but most profound truths of life with Jesus - and watch them have a great time doing it, it's infectious!

Also, we are again putting on a 'Back to School Backpack Drive' for some of the neediest children in our valley as we get to support a few of the lower-income families/children through Nan's office and the foster care system in LV. We are in need of backpacks and school supplies to gift to them, hopefully showing them the love and grace of Christ and bringing some smiles in the meantime! Please bring any backpacks and/or school supplies to the Peterson's on the 21st, we can then divide it up - praying over it, the kids and the school year as we do so. If you would like to donate but will not be at the Peterson's that night, or if you have any questions, feel free to call Nan Caldwell at 702-461-3549 to make arrangements.

Just bring yourselves, a dish to share, and some school stuff for this summer evening in the backyard. Hope to see you there!

Until then...

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