
Serving Opportunity 7/11/09

Hello Apex Family,

Just wanted to pass along an FYI regarding a great outreach/ministry/serving opportunity that is coming up this Saturday 7/11. It is being facilitated by another missional church community in LV that we have come to know. There are already some from Apex that are planning to help and would love to have you too if you can. Please see the note below and the link for directions. Feel free to contact Tommy (tjpetereson@dhimortgage.com) with any questions, etc.

If anyone would like to help, we will be distributing over 250 backpacks to the homeless this Saturday morning. Meet at the Costco on MLK (http://www.costco.com/Warehouse/WarehouseDetails.aspx?WarehouseNumber=563) at 7:30AM this Saturday, 7/11. We will also be distributing extra water bottles and ice.

Please let me know of any questions!
Kelly Winquist

July Gathering

Hey everyone! We are moving the July Gathering to July 19th. We will be having the Gathering at Doug & Cheryl Citizens’ house @ 5:00 pm. This will be Tom & Celia Citizen’s last official Apex Gathering as they will be moving to CA at the end of the month so please come and wish them well. They have been a part of the Apex community for a very long time and their daily presence here will surely be missed.

Cheryl is planning on having a Taco Bar set up but if everyone could bring a side dish or drinks that would be great.

Their address is:

10222 Clarks Creek St.
Las Vegas, NV 89131

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