
Vacation Bible School Time!!!

Just a reminder:

WHEN: Sunday June 26 - Thursday June 30
TIME: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
PLACE: Nyberg Ranch
6345 Edna Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89146

Kids will be fed a light dinner; have craft time; games; Bible lesson; and singing.


We are offering a baptism class for any kids or adults who would like to learn more specifically about baptism and dedicating their life to Christ. Child attendance is with parent permission and parents are requested/encouraged to participate with their child. The class will be from 7:30 - 8:00pm so you are welcome to come the entire time or just for that part.
Kids not participating in the baptism class will be learning about Jesus as their rock, their friend, their provider, etc.
On Thursday we will have a party for the kids where they can swim (reminders will be sent but swimsuits are needed on Thursday only)
If kids have camping chairs they could bring for the week that would be great. Please put your child's name on them and bring them the first night. We have a few extras but not enough for all the kids.

Hope to see you there!
Nan Caldwell

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