Hello Apex Family,
Well, the sun is around longer, it’s heating up quickly and there are signs of new life around us, that means (at least in LV) that Easter is just around the corner. That also means that it is time to gather our community together as a whole and celebrate our risen Christ! So, mark your calendars for our annual Sunrise Service and breakfast gathering. Here are the details:
Date: Sunday, March 31st
Time: Just before 6:15 am (sunrise is 6:28 - early, but about 15 minutes later than least year:)
Place: Lone Mountain Park (at the west end of Craig Road). We will meet at the little stone half-circle/amphitheater on the northern side of the park. We'll then dismiss to a soon to be disclosed location - watch your email for details!
What: A simple time of being together, of reflection, of communing and of prayer. Followed by a potluck-style breakfast hang out. (We’ve gotta eat together, that’s what we do!)
To bring: Yourself and family, your coffee:), a blanket/jacket, a dish or side to share and your thankfulness for being loved by the living God.
It will be a great morning to be The Church together!
We hope to see you there. Please forward this message on to anyone that may have been missed on the list.
More info. to follow in the next week or so – until then…
Hello Apex Family,
I hope that this finds you having an at least tolerable Monday after a tremendous weekend!
Many thanks to those that contributed in so many ways to make this year's VBS another successful one both for our kids and for some children from the community! There is no higher (nor sometimes more exhausting) calling than loving on kids so as to teach them about our Lord and the power of community. My guess is that the adults may have learned some valuable stuff along the way too.
The next happenings will be some camping at Mt. Charleston this weekend and then again later in the summer (August). Let Nan Caldwell or Cheryl Citizen know if you want info. on the former; the latter one will be a time of simple spiritual retreat of some sort as well - stay tuned...
Finally, I came across this important teaching today and wanted to pass it along. It speaks to one of the most difficult, but crucial aspects of our faith as we try to navigate the reality of this life in two kingdoms at once - all the while trusting God with what we don't understand. Faith defined, I guess. It is from Oswald Chambers' - "My Utmost for His Highest":
Receiving Yourself in the Fires of Sorrow
. . . what shall I say? ’Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. ’Father, glorify Your name’ —John 12:27-28
As a saint of God, my attitude toward sorrow and difficulty should not be to ask that they be prevented, but to ask that God protect me so that I may remain what He created me to be, in spite of all my fires of sorrow. Our Lord received Himself, accepting His position and realizing His purpose, in the midst of the fire of sorrow. He was saved not from the hour, but out of the hour.
We say that there ought to be no sorrow, but there is sorrow, and we have to accept and receive ourselves in its fires. If we try to evade sorrow, refusing to deal with it, we are foolish. Sorrow is one of the biggest facts in life, and there is no use in saying it should not be. Sin, sorrow, and suffering are, and it is not for us to say that God has made a mistake in allowing them.
Sorrow removes a great deal of a person’s shallowness, but it does not always make that person better. Suffering either gives me to myself or it destroys me. You cannot find or receive yourself through success, because you lose your head over pride. And you cannot receive yourself through the monotony of your daily life, because you give in to complaining. The only way to find yourself is in the fires of sorrow. Why it should be this way is immaterial. The fact is that it is true in the Scriptures and in human experience. You can always recognize who has been through the fires of sorrow and received himself, and you know that you can go to him in your moment of trouble and find that he has plenty of time for you. But if a person has not been through the fires of sorrow, he is apt to be contemptuous, having no respect or time for you, only turning you away. If you will receive yourself in the fires of sorrow, God will make you nourishment for other people.
Have a great week,
Easter Sunrise Gathering - 4/8/12
0 Comments Published by Chris on Monday, March 26, 2012 at 3:57 PM.
Hello Apex Family,
Well, it's that time of year again - Easter is just around the corner and we will be celebrating our risen Christ together! So mark your calendars for our annual Sunrise Service and breakfast gathering. Here are the details:
Date: Sunday, April 8th
Time: Just before 6:00 am (sunrise 6:16 - early, but about 20 minutes later than least year:)
Place: Lone Mountain Park (at the west end of Craig Road). We'll meet at the little stone half-circle/amphitheater on the northern side of the park. We'll then dismiss to the Carder Ranch which is just east on Craig (Craig & Conough).
What: A simple time of being together, of communing and of prayer. Followed by a potluck-style breakfast hang out.
To bring: Yourself, your coffee:), a blanket/jacket, a dish or side to share and your thankfulness for being loved by the living God.
It will be a great morning to be The Church together!
We hope to see you there. Please forward this message on to anyone that may have been missed.
Until then...
Well, it's that time of year again - Easter is just around the corner and we will be celebrating our risen Christ together! So mark your calendars for our annual Sunrise Service and breakfast gathering. Here are the details:
Date: Sunday, April 8th
Time: Just before 6:00 am (sunrise 6:16 - early, but about 20 minutes later than least year:)
Place: Lone Mountain Park (at the west end of Craig Road). We'll meet at the little stone half-circle/amphitheater on the northern side of the park. We'll then dismiss to the Carder Ranch which is just east on Craig (Craig & Conough).
What: A simple time of being together, of communing and of prayer. Followed by a potluck-style breakfast hang out.
To bring: Yourself, your coffee:), a blanket/jacket, a dish or side to share and your thankfulness for being loved by the living God.
It will be a great morning to be The Church together!
We hope to see you there. Please forward this message on to anyone that may have been missed.
Until then...
Dear Apex Family,
As we finish out the post-Thanksgiving week and start the Christmas rush, I wanted to bring you good news of how our annual Thanksgiving food box drive went and more...

We served 45 families with full Thanksgiving meals. I have attached some pictures from the festivities of different house churches.
Some of the quotes from families included: "Thank you so much." "We haven't had Thanksgiving in so many years." "We have never had a traditional thanksgiving meal."
I saw people with tears from the kindness shown! People's lives were truly blessed.
NOW...for the Christmas season...
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:20-22
This is what the season is about - celebrating Jesus - who saved us from our sins!
Let's all celebrate together!
WHEN: December 11, 2011
TIME: 1pm -
WHERE: Tommy, Meghann and Avery Peterson's house
8339 Mountain Destiny 89131
We will BBQ burgers and dogs for a little bit of a late lunch. Bring a dish or drink to share.
We will also be conducting a gift drive for low-income families at my office as well. Gifts can include just about anything for any age :)
If you prefer $ - we will happily shop with your $ :)
My agency will organize a "Santa Room" where the gifts will be displayed like a store. Parents will be able to shop for free in our store and wrap the gifts they choose for their children.
At the BBQ, we will break bread, read the Christmas Story, pray over the gifts to go out to others so that they may know Jesus too, and rejoice together at what a blessing our community is!
If you have questions - please call me at 461-3549.
Otherwise - see you at the BBQ.
In Him,
Nan Caldwell
As we finish out the post-Thanksgiving week and start the Christmas rush, I wanted to bring you good news of how our annual Thanksgiving food box drive went and more...

We served 45 families with full Thanksgiving meals. I have attached some pictures from the festivities of different house churches.
Some of the quotes from families included: "Thank you so much." "We haven't had Thanksgiving in so many years." "We have never had a traditional thanksgiving meal."
I saw people with tears from the kindness shown! People's lives were truly blessed.
NOW...for the Christmas season...
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:20-22
This is what the season is about - celebrating Jesus - who saved us from our sins!
Let's all celebrate together!
WHEN: December 11, 2011
TIME: 1pm -
WHERE: Tommy, Meghann and Avery Peterson's house
8339 Mountain Destiny 89131
We will BBQ burgers and dogs for a little bit of a late lunch. Bring a dish or drink to share.
We will also be conducting a gift drive for low-income families at my office as well. Gifts can include just about anything for any age :)
If you prefer $ - we will happily shop with your $ :)
My agency will organize a "Santa Room" where the gifts will be displayed like a store. Parents will be able to shop for free in our store and wrap the gifts they choose for their children.
At the BBQ, we will break bread, read the Christmas Story, pray over the gifts to go out to others so that they may know Jesus too, and rejoice together at what a blessing our community is!
If you have questions - please call me at 461-3549.
Otherwise - see you at the BBQ.
In Him,
Nan Caldwell
Hello Apex Family,
So, it's Thursday, do you need something to look forward to this weekend? Well, we've got something. Please join us at the Nyberg Casa (6345 Edna) for a get together this Sunday, September 25th at 12pm. There are a few of our younger Apexers who have decided to dedicate their lives to Christ and we get to celebrate baptism with them! Please join us for one of the simplest, but most profound events that we can share together as a community of believers - this is the good stuff.
Grilled meats and bottles of water will be provided, just bring a side to share and any other drinks you may want for your family. Don't hesitate to email back with any questions that you may have or if you or someone you know is also interested in baptism.
Thanks - Hope to see you this Sunday!
Until then...
So, it's Thursday, do you need something to look forward to this weekend? Well, we've got something. Please join us at the Nyberg Casa (6345 Edna) for a get together this Sunday, September 25th at 12pm. There are a few of our younger Apexers who have decided to dedicate their lives to Christ and we get to celebrate baptism with them! Please join us for one of the simplest, but most profound events that we can share together as a community of believers - this is the good stuff.
Grilled meats and bottles of water will be provided, just bring a side to share and any other drinks you may want for your family. Don't hesitate to email back with any questions that you may have or if you or someone you know is also interested in baptism.
Thanks - Hope to see you this Sunday!
Until then...
Hello Apex Family,
This is a quick note to get the plan out there for this month's get-together. While we would typically meet this coming Sunday, please note a change this month. We will not gather at Christ Lutheran this week, but are instead going to meet up next week, Sunday 8/21 at 5:00pm at the Peterson's home (8339 Mountain Destiny Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89131) for a potluck and special presentation by some of our kids. Again this year, Celia Citizen has been leading and teaching them and they have prepared and practiced a 'God's Kid's' musical to share with the rest of us. Please come out and connect with God and each other as the kids lead us to the simplest but most profound truths of life with Jesus - and watch them have a great time doing it, it's infectious!
Also, we are again putting on a 'Back to School Backpack Drive' for some of the neediest children in our valley as we get to support a few of the lower-income families/children through Nan's office and the foster care system in LV. We are in need of backpacks and school supplies to gift to them, hopefully showing them the love and grace of Christ and bringing some smiles in the meantime! Please bring any backpacks and/or school supplies to the Peterson's on the 21st, we can then divide it up - praying over it, the kids and the school year as we do so. If you would like to donate but will not be at the Peterson's that night, or if you have any questions, feel free to call Nan Caldwell at 702-461-3549 to make arrangements.
Just bring yourselves, a dish to share, and some school stuff for this summer evening in the backyard. Hope to see you there!
Until then...
This is a quick note to get the plan out there for this month's get-together. While we would typically meet this coming Sunday, please note a change this month. We will not gather at Christ Lutheran this week, but are instead going to meet up next week, Sunday 8/21 at 5:00pm at the Peterson's home (8339 Mountain Destiny Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89131) for a potluck and special presentation by some of our kids. Again this year, Celia Citizen has been leading and teaching them and they have prepared and practiced a 'God's Kid's' musical to share with the rest of us. Please come out and connect with God and each other as the kids lead us to the simplest but most profound truths of life with Jesus - and watch them have a great time doing it, it's infectious!
Also, we are again putting on a 'Back to School Backpack Drive' for some of the neediest children in our valley as we get to support a few of the lower-income families/children through Nan's office and the foster care system in LV. We are in need of backpacks and school supplies to gift to them, hopefully showing them the love and grace of Christ and bringing some smiles in the meantime! Please bring any backpacks and/or school supplies to the Peterson's on the 21st, we can then divide it up - praying over it, the kids and the school year as we do so. If you would like to donate but will not be at the Peterson's that night, or if you have any questions, feel free to call Nan Caldwell at 702-461-3549 to make arrangements.
Just bring yourselves, a dish to share, and some school stuff for this summer evening in the backyard. Hope to see you there!
Until then...
Just a reminder:
WHEN: Sunday June 26 - Thursday June 30
TIME: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
PLACE: Nyberg Ranch
6345 Edna Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Kids will be fed a light dinner; have craft time; games; Bible lesson; and singing.
We are offering a baptism class for any kids or adults who would like to learn more specifically about baptism and dedicating their life to Christ. Child attendance is with parent permission and parents are requested/encouraged to participate with their child. The class will be from 7:30 - 8:00pm so you are welcome to come the entire time or just for that part.
Kids not participating in the baptism class will be learning about Jesus as their rock, their friend, their provider, etc.
On Thursday we will have a party for the kids where they can swim (reminders will be sent but swimsuits are needed on Thursday only)
If kids have camping chairs they could bring for the week that would be great. Please put your child's name on them and bring them the first night. We have a few extras but not enough for all the kids.
Hope to see you there!
Nan Caldwell
WHEN: Sunday June 26 - Thursday June 30
TIME: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
PLACE: Nyberg Ranch
6345 Edna Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Kids will be fed a light dinner; have craft time; games; Bible lesson; and singing.
We are offering a baptism class for any kids or adults who would like to learn more specifically about baptism and dedicating their life to Christ. Child attendance is with parent permission and parents are requested/encouraged to participate with their child. The class will be from 7:30 - 8:00pm so you are welcome to come the entire time or just for that part.
Kids not participating in the baptism class will be learning about Jesus as their rock, their friend, their provider, etc.
On Thursday we will have a party for the kids where they can swim (reminders will be sent but swimsuits are needed on Thursday only)
If kids have camping chairs they could bring for the week that would be great. Please put your child's name on them and bring them the first night. We have a few extras but not enough for all the kids.
Hope to see you there!
Nan Caldwell