
Holiday Goodness!

Dear Apex Family,

As we finish out the post-Thanksgiving week and start the Christmas rush, I wanted to bring you good news of how our annual Thanksgiving food box drive went and more...

We served 45 families with full Thanksgiving meals. I have attached some pictures from the festivities of different house churches.

Some of the quotes from families included: "Thank you so much." "We haven't had Thanksgiving in so many years." "We have never had a traditional thanksgiving meal."

I saw people with tears from the kindness shown! People's lives were truly blessed.

NOW...for the Christmas season...

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:20-22

This is what the season is about - celebrating Jesus - who saved us from our sins!
Let's all celebrate together!

WHEN: December 11, 2011
TIME: 1pm -
WHERE: Tommy, Meghann and Avery Peterson's house
8339 Mountain Destiny 89131

We will BBQ burgers and dogs for a little bit of a late lunch. Bring a dish or drink to share.
We will also be conducting a gift drive for low-income families at my office as well. Gifts can include just about anything for any age :)
If you prefer $ - we will happily shop with your $ :)
My agency will organize a "Santa Room" where the gifts will be displayed like a store. Parents will be able to shop for free in our store and wrap the gifts they choose for their children.

At the BBQ, we will break bread, read the Christmas Story, pray over the gifts to go out to others so that they may know Jesus too, and rejoice together at what a blessing our community is!

If you have questions - please call me at 461-3549.
Otherwise - see you at the BBQ.

In Him,
Nan Caldwell

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