
Help for Haiti

Hello all. Please note that Apex has decided that all offerings given to Apex from January 1st, 2010 until April 30th, 2010 will be given directly to funding the relief effort in Haiti. Each house church will make sure to call for an offering each night their house church meets and we will make sure we ask during our monthly Gathering as well.

These people desperately need help. I know that if you're watching the news, it seems like a lot of people/nations are giving a lot of money already. Believe me, it will not be enough. Please know that God will put to good use any amount you are able to give. And of course your donation is tax deductible.

Thank you.


Hanging out...

...with God and with each other on a sunny afternoon.

January Gathering Adventure

Hi Everyone,

This Sunday please come join Apex for an afternoon in the desert wilderness walking/reclining at the old railroad trail used to build Hoover Dam. The railroad ties and rails have been pulled up and the walk has virtually no incline to be concerned with. Six railroad tunnels can be walked through for anyone wanting to go the full distance with is 2.6 miles one way.

For those more inclined to sit back and enjoy the desert and Lake Mead views....Bring your chairs to set out next to your car for an unobstructed panorama.

The plan is to start gathering in the parking lot/trail head at 12:30PM then begin our walk at 1PM.

The Historic Old Railroad trail is located 4 miles past Boulder City on Hwy 93. Take Hwy 93 past Boulder City like your headed to the Dam. At the bottom of the hill with Lake Mead in view turn left on Lakeshore Drive and continue briefly on till you will see the parking area on the right just below the Alan Bible Visitor Center. (If you reach the toll booth to enter Lake Mead recreation area you just went a little to far.)

If you want to read more about the old railroad trail please go to:


Looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday afternoon. If anyone would like to car pool just reach out and touch someone and if anyone has extra room please let us all know by email.

Thank you,

Jeff Stoddard

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